
Stevens Institute of Technology is a private research university located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Known for its technology-focused curriculum, Stevens has also made a significant commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility in recent years.

The Institute’s sustainability efforts are guided by its Office of Sustainability, which works to reduce its carbon footprint, promote sustainable practices and foster a culture of sustainability among students, faculty and staff. One of the key areas of focus for Stevens is energy efficiency, with several initiatives in place to reduce energy consumption and reliance on non-renewable sources.

One such initiative is the LEED certification program, which aims to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of building design and operation. Stevens has several buildings that have achieved LEED certification, including the Gateway Academic Center, which is LEED Silver certified, and the Student Housing and University Center, which is LEED Gold certified.

Stevens has also made significant efforts to promote sustainable transportation on campus. The Institute encourages the use of public transportation, biking, and walking to reduce the number of cars on campus. Stevens has partnered with a bike-sharing program to provide students with easy access to bikes, and it also provides charging stations for electric vehicles on campus.


In addition to reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable transportation, Stevens has implemented several programs to reduce waste and encourage recycling. The Institute has a single-stream recycling program that allows for easy recycling of paper, plastic, glass and non-contaminated metals. This program is complemented by composting initiatives, which help to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for use in campus gardens.

Stevens is also committed to sustainable food practices, with several programs in place to reduce food waste and promote sustainable food choices. The Institute’s dining services department sources much of its food locally, reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation. In addition, Stevens has implemented a food waste reduction program that includes composting and the donation of edible food to local organizations.

Finally, Stevens works to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility among students through various educational programs and initiatives. The Institute offers several degree programs in sustainability, including a Master of Science in Sustainability Management and a Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering. In addition, Stevens holds sustainability-focused events and workshops throughout the year, providing students with opportunities to learn about and engage with sustainability issues and practices.

Overall, Stevens Institute of Technology has made a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, implementing a range of initiatives and programs to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. Through its commitment to sustainability, Stevens is working to create a more sustainable and resilient future for its students, community, and the planet.

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